Monday, 25 February 2013

“First time naked on a beach”

I was in the Miami area last week and went to Haulover twice during my visit. This was a first time experience for me and I wasn't sure what to expect but was excited to go. When I got there I took a walk around and found a nice spot on the south end. I laid out a towel and stripped down without any thought. After a few minutes, it was as if I had been doing this for years and was completely comfortable being naked on the beach. I went on a Saturday and again on a Thursday. I noticed more single men and couples on Saturday and far more single women on Thursday. I don't know if that's typical, but it was nice to see more women on the beach! I can't wait to get back to Miami and get naked on the beach at Haulover.

Group of women completely nude in beach with hairy pussy

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